
Tips & Tricks for Getting Through an MRI if You're Claustrophobic

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Tips & Tricks for Getting Through an MRI if You're Claustrophobic

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology, originally pioneered by Nikola Tesla, has revolutionized medical diagnostics since the 1970s. At University Diagnostic Institute in Winter Park, Orlando, and Lake Mary, Florida, Dr. George Stanley and the skilled team specialize in providing high-quality MRIs that offer comprehensive insights into our patients’ health. 

While MRIs are invaluable for diagnosing a wide range of conditions—from joint injuries to brain and spinal cord issues—they can be daunting for individuals with claustrophobia. Here’s how we ensure your comfort:

Understanding Your Need for an MRI

Dr. Stanley may recommend an MRI to assess various health concerns. MRIs offer detailed images without the use of radiation. They are primarily used for their sharp images of soft tissues, such as nerves, muscles, cartilage, and organs, and for revealing changes that aren’t visible with other imaging techniques. 

Despite its benefits, the enclosed space of a traditional MRI scanner can provoke anxiety in some patients.

Managing Claustrophobia During an MRI

At University Diagnostic Institute, our team prioritizes your comfort throughout the MRI process. If you’re anxious about the confined space, here’s how we ensure your comfort:

Open MRI Options

We offer a selection of open (wide bore) MRIs, including the Siemens Verio® 3T wide bore MRI, Echelon Oval® 1.5T open bore MRI, and the Siemens Magnetom Essenza 1.5T MRI. Open MRI scanners are designed to minimize claustrophobia and reduce feelings of confinement.

Supportive Environment

You can bring a friend or family member for moral support. Our compassionate staff and radiologists are trained to assist you, addressing any concerns you may have before and during the procedure.

Relaxation Techniques

Practice deep breathing to stay calm during the scan. You may also listen to music to help distract and relax you throughout the imaging process, which typically lasts up to two hours.

Medication Options

For severe anxiety, medication may be prescribed to help you relax. If sedation is necessary, arrangements can be made, ensuring your safety and comfort throughout the procedure.

Ensuring Your Comfort

At University Diagnostic Institute, we strive to provide a stress-free experience from the moment you schedule your appointment until you leave our facility. Your health and peace of mind are our top priorities, and we are committed to delivering accessible and comfortable MRI services in Winter Park, Orlando, and Lake Mary, Florida.

Schedule Your Comfortable MRI Today

Book your appointment today by calling the office nearest you or requesting an appointment online. Experience a stress-free MRI with us, where your well-being always comes first.